Category : Environmental Education
Subcategory : Environmental education
Records 1 to 14 from 14

1. The Global Development Research Center - Urban Environmental Management :
  The Global Development Research Center is a virtual organization that carries out initiatives in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment, urban, community, economy and information, and at scales that are effective.The title of this website, Urban Environmental Management, may be a bit misleading, as the contents of the homepage contain a whole range of topics that are not necessarily 'urban.' The objective here is to demonstrate pertinent issues of an urban area and its environment, but also to extrapolate it to the global level.
2. United Nations – Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 - Freshwater :
  Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. This page deals with “Freshwater” issue from the Agenda 21.
3. Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) :
  A dynamic and flexible organization with a global vision and a local focus, TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute) was established in 1974. While in the initial period the focus was mainly on documentation and information dissemination activities, research activities in the fields of energy, environment, and sustainable development were initiated towards the end of 1982. The genesis of these activities lay in Teri’s firm belief that efficient utilization of energy, sustainable use of natural resources, large-scale adoption of renewable energy technologies, and reduction of all forms of waste would move the process of development towards the goal of sustainability.
4. European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) Page on Water :
  EIONET is a collaborative network of the European Environment Agency and its Member Countries, connecting National Focal Points in the EU and accession countries, European Topic Centres, National Reference Centres, and Main Component Elements. These organisations jointly provide the information that is used for making decisions for improving the state of environment in Europe and making EU policies more effective. EIONET is both a network of organisations and an electronic network (e-EIONET). This page provides information on the topic of water.
5. Women, health & environment :
  This Anthology is part of a teaching package aimed at enhancing information in the area of women, health and environment, and encouraging teaching and research around the issues it contains. It cannot provide answers to the many difficult questions raised, although we hope that teachers, students, or other users may be inspired to undertake or promote further research on these or similar issues, thus bridging the gaps in existing knowledge in the interrelated areas of women, health and environment.
6. Earth Day and Schools. Teacher's corner: other Environmental issues Teachers Corner: Other Environmental Issues :
  Earth Day Network is the nonprofit coordinating body of worldwide Earth Day activities. Our goal is to promote a healthy environment and a peaceful, just, sustainable world by spreading environmental awareness through educational materials and publications, and by organizing events, activities, and annual campaigns. Our network includes more than 5,000 organizations in 184 countries. It's a wide wide Web out there, chock-full of interesting and valuable projects, games, downloadable files, and more. There's plenty to help you develop a curriculum to celebrate Earth Day in the weeks and months leading up to April 22nd.
7. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University) web-page on WaterShed Resources :
  The WaterShed Partners by their very nature are an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about the watershed in which they live. Because we are based in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area, our expertise is focused around the Mississippi River and the metro streams that flow into it. However, much of that knowledge can be used in any watershed or it can help steer you in the right direction to find the exact answers to your questions.
8. Center for Global Environmental Education (Hamline University) web-page on "Rivers of life" :
  Rivers of Life provides students, teachers, and citizens with exciting opportunities to celebrate the many ways rivers enrich our world, to investigate river mysteries, and to take action on behalf of rivers that need our help.
9. EPA's web-page on water :
  EPA enforces federal clean water and safe drinking water laws, provides support for municipal wastewater treatment plants, and takes part in pollution prevention efforts aimed at protecting watersheds an d sources of drinking water. The Agency carries out both regulatory and voluntary programs to fulfill its mission to protect the nation's waters.
  The EPA Global Warming Site is provided as a public service by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA's climate change programs and activities are an integral part of the Agency's mission and purpose. With the Global Warming Site, we strive to present accurate information on the very broad issue of climate change and global warming in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society – communities, individuals, business, public officials and governments.
11. Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory :
  Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory is the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web. With thousands of sites, it is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries. Our goal is simple - to make it easy for people from around the world to find your web page.
12. Foundation for Environmetnal Education in Europe :
  The Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe (FEEE) was established in 1981 both to raise awareness of environmental issues and effect change through education. These are both crucial in striving towards sustainability.
13. The Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use :
  Since 1989 the European Community has established and funded a number of international programmes of research to address the issues of desertification, or land degradation, and the increasing demand on water resources across southern Europe. MEDALUS has been one of the projects in this programme, (DGXII, Environment Programme) and has sought to improve understanding of a wide range of physical, environmental problems, and to suggest and develop options for their amelioration. Since its start in 1991, there have been three phases to the project the third of which ended in June 1999. The emphasis of the research has changed in each phase and the partners also changed to reflect this.
14. Sewerage Authority of Thessaloniki S.A. :
  The Sewerage Authority of Thessaloniki is responsible for the collection and treatment of wastewater and storm water throughout the whole area of Greater Thessaloniki. In June 1997, it was converted to a limited company and preparations are now being made for its merger with the Water Authority of Thessaloniki
Records 1 to 14 from 14